Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Step forward, Step back

Over several days, my younger boy and I dug around in what we call "the brick mine"in our yard. Many years ago my grandfather or perhaps great grandfather made a pile of bricks in an out of the way place. I don't think they were intentionally buried at the time, but they are now. Whenever I have needed some bricks for a project, I've been able to prod at the ground and unearth just enough. In order to make paths around my garden beds, I dug up as many bricks as I could find. The pile seems to be depleted now, but I think that we have determined who it was that left the brick treasure. This bottle was buried alongside the bricks, and came up from the ground looking new. I believe it is my Grandpa that I have to thank for the brick mine. Everywhere I look around me there are little reminders of the family that was here before me. Examining old things that come out of the ground makes the past seem so much realer to our boys.

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